Custom Kindness Chinese & Japanese Calligraphy Wall Scroll

We have many options to create artwork with Kindness characters on a wall scroll or portrait.
If you want to create a cool Kindness wall scroll, this is the place. Below you will find a few Asian symbols that express the idea of kindness.

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  1. Kindness

  2. Kindness / Benevolence

  3. Compassion / Kindness

  4. Kindness and Forgiving Nature

  5. Kindness / Caring

  6. Love and Respect / Kindness and Respect

  7. Loving-Kindness Conquers All

  8. Mercy / Compassion / Buddhist Loving Kindness

  9. Benevolence

10. Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha

11. Compassion

12. Mercy / Compassion / Love

13. Courtesy / Etiquette

14. Courtesy / Politeness

15. Empathy / Humanity

16. Forgive

17. Begging Forgiveness

18. Forgive

19. Forgiveness

20. Gentleness

21. Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

22. Goddess of Compassion

23. Good Heart

24. Good Intentions

25. Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

26. Goodness / Good Deed

27. Goodness / Kind-Hearted

28. Grace

29. Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

30. Kindheartedness / Benevolence / Humanity

31. Love and Devotion

32. Loving Heart / Compassion

33. Loving Heart / One’s Love

34. The Middle Way

35. Moral and Virtuous

36. Peace / Harmony

37. Brahmavihara - The Four Immeasurables

38. Jin Shin Jyutsu

 ēn cí
Kindness Scroll

恩慈 means to bestow kindness or favor upon someone. This can also be a Japanese surname that romanizes as Onji.

Kindness / Benevolence

 rén cí
 jin ji
Kindness / Benevolence Scroll

仁慈 word is used in Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Asian Buddhism to relay the important idea of loving kindness.

仁慈 can also be defined as: benevolent; charitable; kind; merciful; kind-hearted; benevolence; kindness; humanity; mercy.

In Japanese, this can also be the given name Hitoji. This would also be a good Mandarin Chinese given name romanized as Jentzu (in Taiwan) or Renci (which sounds like ren-tsuh).

See Also:  Love | Altruism | Charity

Compassion / Kindness

 omoi yari
Compassion / Kindness Scroll

思いやり is compassion, kindness, or sympathy in Japanese.

The first part of this word suggests feelings, emotion, sentiment, love, affection, wish, and hope are connected with this idea of compassion and sympathy.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Kindness and Forgiving Nature

 rén shù
Kindness and Forgiving Nature Scroll

仁恕 is a word in Chinese and Japanese that means something like benevolence with magnanimity or kindness with a forgiving nature.

If this describes you, then you are the type of person that I would like to call my friend.

This may not be the most common word in daily use, but it's old enough that it transcended cultures from China to Japan in the 5th century when Japan lacked a written language and absorbed Chinese characters and words into their language.
Note: 仁恕 is not commonly used in Korean.

Kindness / Caring

 qīn qiè
 shin setsu
Kindness / Caring Scroll

親切 is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean word that can also mean affectionate, cordial, warm, or close (emotionally).

Kindness shows you care and are doing some good to make life better for others. Be thoughtful about people's needs. Show love and compassion to someone who is sad or needs your help. When you are tempted to be cruel, to criticize or tease, decide to be kind instead.

See Also:  Love | Caring | Benevolence

Love and Respect / Kindness and Respect

 ài jìng
 aikei / aikyou
Love and Respect / Kindness and Respect Scroll

愛敬 is a Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja title that can mean “love and respect,” “kindness and respect,” “to love with reverence,” “charm,” “amiability,” “winsomeness,” “courtesy,” or “ingratiating behavior.”

Note: The wide-ranging definitions show that this word is a bit ambiguous without the context of being used in a sentence.

Loving-Kindness Conquers All

 cí bēi zhēng fú yī qiè
Loving-Kindness Conquers All Scroll

慈悲征服一切 is a way to express the idea that mercy, compassion, and loving-kindness can overcome all things.

This phrase is composed of 3 Chinese words:
慈悲 = loving-kindness; mercy; compassion; benevolence. It's used in Buddhism a lot to express the idea of how one should treat everyone else and all living beings.
征服 = to conquer; to subdue; to vanquish; to overcome.
一切 = all; everything; the whole; lock, stock, and barrel; without exception.

Mercy / Compassion / Buddhist Loving Kindness

 cí bēi
 ji hi
Mercy / Compassion / Buddhist Loving Kindness Scroll

Besides the title above, 慈悲 can also be defined as clemency or lenience and sometimes the act of giving charity.

In the Buddhist context, it can be defined as “benevolence,” “loving-kindness and compassion,” or “mercy and compassion.”

This Buddhist virtue is perhaps the most important to employ in your life. All sentient beings that you encounter should be given your loving kindness. And trust me, however much you can give, it comes back. Make your life and the world a better place!

This Chinese/Japanese Buddhist term is the equivalent of Metta Karuna from Pali or Maitri Karuna from Sanskrit.

慈 can mean loving-kindness by itself.
悲 adds a component of sorrow, empathy, compassion, and sympathy for others.

See Also:  Benevolence

Benevolence Scroll

Beyond benevolence, 仁 can also be defined as “charity” or “mercy” depending on context.

The deeper meaning suggests that one should pay alms to the poor, care for those in trouble, and take care of his fellow man (or woman).

仁 is one of the five tenets of Confucius. In fact, it is a subject that Confucius spent a great deal of time explaining to his disciples.

I have also seen this benevolent-related word translated as perfect virtue, selflessness, love for humanity, humaneness, goodness, goodwill, or simply “love” in the non-romantic form.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Altruism | Charity | Confucius

Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha

 fó xīn
Buddha Heart / Mind of Buddha Scroll

佛心 means the Buddha's mind, Buddha-heart, or the spiritually enlightened heart/mind.

The Buddha Heart is detached from good and evil and other such constructs. The Buddha Heart has mercy, compassion, and loving-kindness for all sentient life, the good, the wicked, and all in between.

The heart and mind (心) are the same concepts in the ancient Orient, so you can use heart and mind interchangeably in this context.

 tóng qíng
 dou jou
Compassion Scroll

These two characters mean compassion and sympathy in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, which makes this word universal.

Compassion is caring and understanding someone is hurt or troubled (even if you don't know them). It is wanting to help, even if all you can do is listen and say kind words. You forgive mistakes. You are a friend when someone needs a friend.

See Also:  Caring

Mercy / Compassion / Love

Mercy / Compassion / Love Scroll

慈 is the simplest way to express the idea of compassion.

This can also mean love for your fellow humans, humanity, or living creatures. Sometimes this is extended to mean charity.

This term is often used in a Buddhist or Christian context. The concept was also spoken of by Laozi (Lao Tzu) in the Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching).

慈 is considered the direct translation of the Sanskrit word मैत्री (maitrī) Pali word मेत्ता (mettā). In this context, it means benevolence, loving kindness, and goodwill.

This Chinese character is understood in Japanese but is usually used in compound words (not seen alone). Also used in old Korean Hanja, so it's very universal.

See Also:  Mercy | Benevolence | Forgiveness

Courtesy / Etiquette

 lǐ yì
 rei gi
Courtesy / Etiquette Scroll

In Japanese, 礼儀 means “manners,” “courtesy,” or “etiquette.”

This also clearly means etiquette in Chinese, though the first Japanese Kanji has been “modernized” and happens to be the same as the modern Simplified Chinese version. Therefore, this word will be understood by both Japanese and Chinese people but best if your audience is mostly Japanese (Chinese people would generally prefer the ancient Traditional Chinese version).

See Also:  Respect

Courtesy / Politeness

 lǐ mào
Courtesy / Politeness Scroll

禮貌 is a Chinese and old Korean word that means courtesy or politeness.

Courtesy is being polite and having good manners. When you speak and act courteously, you give others a feeling of being valued and respected. Greet people pleasantly. Bring courtesy home. Your family needs it most of all. Courtesy helps life to go smoothly.

If you put the words "fēi cháng bù" in front of this, it is like adding "very much not." it’s a great insult in China, as nobody wants to be called "extremely discourteous" or "very much impolite."

See Also:  Respect

Empathy / Humanity

 rén qíng
Empathy / Humanity Scroll

人情 is a title that can apply to a lot of meanings, including humanity, empathy, kindness, sympathy, human nature, human emotions, or human interaction.

Forgive Scroll

This single character means “forgive” in Chinese.

In Korean, this kind of means forgive but also has slightly different definitions of considering, excuse, faithful or believe.

 yuán liàng
Forgive Scroll

This two-character word means “forgive” in Chinese.

It can also be defined as “to pardon” or “to excuse.” 原諒 is a kind of general forgiveness.

Begging Forgiveness

 ráo shù
Begging Forgiveness Scroll

饒恕 is a Chinese word that is a kind of forgiveness that you would beg for like a servant begging a master.

This can also be the forgiveness that a person would beg from the king or God.

This word suggests that this is forgiveness for something really bad (a terrible crime or sin).


Deep heartfelt forgiveness

 kuān shù
 kan jo
Forgive Scroll

寛恕 is a word of Chinese origin means forgive or forgiveness.

寬恕 is a deep kind of forgiveness from the bottom of your heart.

In a religious context, this is the kind of forgiveness that you beg God for and that God grants you.

In Korean Hanja, this can also be defined as forbearance or leniency.

In Japanese Kanji, beyond forgiveness, this can also mean magnanimity or generosity.

While we don't actively recommend Asian tattoos, this would be the forgiveness title that is best for a tattoo in most cases.

寛 Note: The first character can also be written in the form shown to the right (especially in Japanese). If you have a preference, please let us know in the "special instructions" when you place your order.

Forgiveness (from the top down)

 róng shè
 you sha
Forgiveness (from the top down) Scroll

容赦 is the kind of forgiveness that a king might give to his subjects for crimes or wrong-doings.

容赦 is a rather high-level forgiveness. Meaning that it goes from a higher level to a lower (not the reverse).

Alone, the first character can mean “to bear,” “to allow,” and/or “to tolerate,” and the second can mean “to forgive,” “to pardon,” and/or “to excuse.”

When you put both characters together, you get forgiveness, pardon, mercy, leniency, or going easy (on someone).

See Also:  Benevolence

Forgiveness Scroll

恕 means to forgive, show mercy, absolve, or excuse in Chinese and Korean Hanja (though mostly used in compound words in Korean).

恕 incorporates the pictogram of a heart at the bottom, and a woman and a mouth at the top. The heart portion has the most significance, as it is suggested that it is the heart's nature to forgive.
In Asian culture, as with most other cultures, forgiveness is an act of benevolence and altruism. In forgiving, you put yourself in someone else's shoes and show them the kindness that you would want them to show you. Confucius referred to this quality as “human-heartedness.”

 wēn róu
Gentleness Scroll

溫柔 or “gentleness” is moving wisely, touching softly, holding carefully, speaking quietly, and thinking kindly.

When you feel mad or hurt, use your self-control. Instead of harming someone, talk things out peacefully. You are making the world a safer, gentler place.

See Also:   Caring

 wēn hòu
 on kou
Gentleness Scroll

溫厚 is a Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean word for gentle or gentleness.

This can also mean “kindness” (more as an adjective like “kind person”).

温The modern Japanese version of the first character looks like the one to the right. If you want this modern Japanese form, just click on that Kanji instead of the button above.

See Also:   Caring

Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

 guān yīn
 kwun yum
 kan non
Goddess of Mercy and Compassion Scroll

觀音/観音 is the Buddhist deity known as the Goddess of Mercy or Bodhisattva of Compassion.

In Chinese, the proper name of this being is Guan Yin. There is some debate as to whether Guan Yin is female. The argument comes from some scripture that suggests Buddhist deities take on the male form. Others say that Guan Yin has no sex. And still, others are okay with the female representation of Guan Yin.

This bodhisattva is also known or Romanized in the following ways:
Mandarin Chinese: Guan Yin, Kuan Yin, Kwan Yin.
Japanese: Kannon, Kwannon.
Sanskrit: Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
Korean: Gwan-eum.
Vietnamese: Quan Âm.
Thai: Kuan Eim.
English: Bodhisattva of Mercy and Salvation, Goddess of Compassion, Buddha of Mercy, et al.

Note: The first character has a slight variation in Japanese. If your audience is specifically Japanese, you may want to select that version.

See Also:  Buddhism | Goddess | Namo Amitabha | Bodhisattva

Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

This is the long or more formal version of this title

 guān shì yīn
Goddess of Mercy and Compassion Scroll

觀世音 is the longer and perhaps more formal title for the Buddhist deity known as the Goddess of Mercy or Bodhisattva of Compassion.

The longer title of this bodhisattva is Romanized in the following ways:
Mandarin Chinese: Guanshi Yin, Kuan-shih Yin.
Japanese: Kanzeon.
Sanskrit: Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
Korean: Gwan-se-eum.
Vietnamese: Quan Thế Âm.
Thai: Prah Mae Kuan Eim.
English: Bodhisattva of Mercy and Salvation, Goddess of Compassion, Buddha of Mercy, et al.

Please view our more common and shorter version, “Guan Yin” before you make a decision. Also, note that the first character has a slight variation in Japanese. If your audience is specifically Japanese, you may want to select that version.

See Also:  Buddhism | Goddess

Goddess of Compassion

 guān yīn
 kan non
Goddess of Compassion Scroll

観音 is the specifically Japanese version of Bodhisattva of Compassion or Guan Yin.

In Japanese, this is pronounced Kannon and occasionally spelled Kwannon. The Chinese version is a bit more commonly seen in Asia. However, in Japanese, there is a slight variation with the first character.

Some time ago, a camera company in Japan named their company after this Buddhist deity. That camera company is still known as Canon (they chose a “C” instead of a “K” when they Romanized this name).

Goddess of Compassion

Long or more formal Japanese version of this title

 guān shì yīn
 kan ze on
Goddess of Compassion Scroll

観世音 is the more extended and more formal Japanese version of Bodhisattva of Compassion or Guan Yin.

In Japanese, this is pronounced Kanzeon. The Chinese version is a bit more common in Asia, but in Japanese, they use a slight variation of the first character. Choose this version only if your intended audience is specifically Japanese.

Good Heart

A heart of kindness, benevolence, and virtuous intentions

 shàn xīn
Good Heart Scroll

善心 literally reads “Good Heart” but is used to refer to the ideas of kindness, benevolence, philanthropy, virtuous intentions, moral sense, and conscience.

Some will also translate this as the morality of mind (as the character for the heart is often used to mean mind).

In Japanese, this can be the given name Yoshinaka.

Good Intentions

 hǎo yì
 kou i
Good Intentions Scroll

好意 is how to write good intentions in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

This can also be translated as kindness, goodwill, favor/favour, courtesy, good wishes, friendliness, and/or amity.

Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith

 shàn yì
 zen i
Good Intentions / Good Will / Good Faith Scroll

善意 is a word that means good intentions, goodwill, or to things done in good faith in Chinese, Japanese, and old Korean Hanja.

It's the reason you do good deeds or the desire you have inside yourself to do the right thing.

This can also be translated as benevolence, kindness, virtuous mind, positive mindset, or favorable sense.

善意 is also used in the legal context for things done in good faith (regardless of outcome).

In Japanese, this can be the personal name Yoshi or Yoshii.

Goodness / Good Deed

Goodness / Good Deed Scroll

善 means goodness, virtue, good deed, charitable, benevolent, well-disposed, nice, pleasant, kind, or simply, “good.”

善 is the kind of good that applies to someone's good character, or a good person in general.

Referring to someone with this word means that they have a well-aimed moral compass, and are charitable, giving, wise, and honest. Basically, this is a blanket statement for every good trait a human can have or all the things that make someone good.

In another context, it can mean to improve or perfect something or refer to someone who is good at something.

Goodness / Kind-Hearted

 shàn liáng
 zen ryou
Goodness / Kind-Hearted Scroll

善良 is a word that means good and honest, kind-hearted, goodness, excellence, and/or virtue.

Grace Scroll

恩 is often translated as “kind act from above,” as in “The Grace of God.”

This doesn't necessarily have to come from God. It could be a favor paid to you, or help that you received (or gave). Of course, you can decide for yourself whether the grace or favor given to you by a friend is actually a gift from God.

Other possible translations of this character:
Favor / favour, acts of kindness, merits, beneficial Influence, kindness, indebtedness, obligation, and benevolent influence.

Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

 tiān ēn
Grace from Heaven / Grace from God Scroll

天恩 is the deepest way to say “Heaven's Grace” or “God's Grace” in Chinese.

The first character means Heaven or sky (referring, in this case, to the domain of God).
The second character means grace, blessings, benevolence, favor/favour, acts of kindness, merits, or beneficial influence.

This title can also be defined as:
Blessings of Heaven, Favor of the Emperor, Divination's luckiest day, or blessings of nature. Note: When you see “Emperor” above, remember that the Emperor, like the Pope, is theoretically chosen by God or seen as an emissary or conduit of God in ancient Asian culture. It would only be read that way in a certain context, such as “The Emperor, in his mercy, bestowed upon him Heaven's Grace, and the prisoner was set free.”

Note: Technically, this is a Japanese word too (pronounced "ten-on") but it’s rarely used in Japan anymore. Therefore, this title is best if your audience is Chinese.

Grace from Heaven / Grace from God

 kami no on kei
Grace from Heaven / Grace from God Scroll

神の恩恵 means God's Grace in Japanese.

The first two characters act to create a word that means “divine,” “God's,” or “The Spirit's.”

The last two Kanji mean grace, favor/favour, blessing, or benefit.

Kindheartedness / Benevolence / Humanity

 rén dé
Kindheartedness / Benevolence / Humanity Scroll

仁德 is a word that can be translated as love, kindheartedness, benevolence, and humanity.

The first character means benevolence by itself.
The second character means virtue or morality.

Japanese note: The second Kanji of this word has been slightly simplified (one tiny horizontal stroke removed). It is still readable for Japanese but if you select our Japanese calligrapher, expect that stroke to be missing on your wall scroll.

Love and Devotion

 cí ài
Love and Devotion Scroll

慈愛 refers to the kind of love and devotion you might have to your children or any loved one.

This especially applied to your children but could also be any member of your family - spouse, etc.

This can also be translated as affection, kindness, love, to love affectionately.

慈愛 is also used in a Buddhist context with the same meaning.

In Japanese, this can also be a female given name romanized as Yasue.

Loving Heart / Compassion

 ài xīn
Loving Heart / Compassion Scroll

愛心 literally means “loving heart.” It can also be translated as “compassion.”

In Chinese, it carries more of a compassionate meaning.

愛心 is rarely used in Japanese anymore, so best if your audience is Chinese.

See Also:  Compassion | Love

Loving Heart / One’s Love

 koi gokoro
Loving Heart / One’s Love Scroll

戀心 literally means “loving heart.” It can also be translated as “one's love” or “awakening of love.”

戀心 is used exclusively for love between boyfriends and girlfriends or husband and wife.

Breaking down the meaning of each Kanji, the first means love, affection, or tender passion. The second Kanji means heart, mind, or soul (most will read it as the heart).

See Also:  Compassion | Love

The Middle Way

 zhōng dào
 chuu dou
The Middle Way Scroll

In the most basic translation, 中道 means road through the middle or middle road.

The expanded meaning can be moderation or the golden mean.

But if you are looking for this title, you are probably seeking the Buddhist definition, which is more complex.

中道 is the middle way or middle path of Buddhism. This has various interpretations. In general, it denotes the mean between two extremes and has special reference to the mean between realism and nihilism, or eternal substantial existence and annihilation.

The Buddha teaches that one should not take things to extremes. Don't be extremely evil and engage in debauchery and murder. But do not spend every waking out trying to be a perfect saint. Instead, take the middle path, try to help others, show loving kindness wherever you can, and try not to do harm. If you inadvertently harm another being, make amends if you can, and move on. Realize you are not perfect, but in time, a path of moderation lead toward proper living and enlightenment.

Moral and Virtuous

Moral and Virtuous Scroll

德 is the simple way to express the ideas of having virtue, morals, kindness, benevolence, goodness, etc.

德 also happens to be the first character of the Chinese word for Germany.

徳There is a slight deviation in the Japanese Kanji form. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people.

See Also:  Ethics | Chastity | Prudence | Benevolence | Morality

Peace / Harmony

Peace / Harmony Scroll

和 is the simplest form of peace and harmony.

和 can also be translated as the peaceful ideas of gentle, mild, kind, and calm. With a more harmonious context, it can be translated as union, together with, on good terms with, or on friendly terms.

Most people would just translate this character as peace and/or harmony. 和 is a very popular character in Asian cultures - you can even call it the “peace symbol” of Asia. In fact, this peace and harmony character was seen repeatedly during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing (a major theme of the games).

In old Chinese poems and literature, you might see this used as a kind of "and." As in two things summed together. As much as you could say, "the sun and moon," you could say "the sun in harmony with the moon."

See Also:  Inner Peace | Patience | Simplicity

Brahmavihara - The Four Immeasurables

 sì wú liàng xīn
 shi mur you shin
Brahmavihara - The Four Immeasurables Scroll

四無量心 is the cattāri brahmavihārā or catvāri apramāṇāni.

The four immeasurables, or infinite Buddha-states of mind. These four dhyānas include:
1. 慈無量心 boundless kindness, maitrī, or bestowing of joy or happiness.
2. 悲無量心 boundless pity, karuṇā, to save from suffering.
3. 喜無量心 boundless joy, muditā, on seeing others rescued from suffering.
4. 捨無量心 limitless indifference, upekṣā, i.e., rising above these emotions or giving up all things.

Jin Shin Jyutsu

 rén shén shù
 jin shin jutsu
Jin Shin Jyutsu Scroll

仁神術 is Jin Shin Jyutsu or Jin Shin Jutsu.

This is a practice of calming the mind and clearing the flow of Qi energy in the body. Jin Shin Jyutsu has some commonality with the practice of Reiki.

A good translation of 仁神術 would be “Benevolent Spirit Method.”

We can break that down into all of the possible meanings:

仁 = benevolence (esp. as a virtue of Confucianism), consideration, compassion, humanity, charity, kindness, or virtue.

神 = deity, soul, spirit, mysterious, psyche, god, divinity, spiritual powers, deva, divine, spiritual, or supernatural.

術 = way, method, means, art, trick, or plan. The correct romaji for this 術 Kanji should be “jutsu.” However, in martial arts, this is often written “jitsu” but in this case, “jyutsu” became common.

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Kindness恩慈onjiēn cí / en1 ci2 / en ci / encien tz`u / entzu / en tzu
仁慈jin ji / jinjirén cí / ren2 ci2 / ren ci / rencijen tz`u / jentzu / jen tzu
思いやりomoi yari / omoiyari
Kindness and Forgiving Nature仁恕jinjorén shù / ren2 shu4 / ren shu / renshujen shu / jenshu
shin setsu / shinsetsuqīn qiè / qin1 qie4 / qin qie / qinqiech`in ch`ieh / chinchieh / chin chieh
Love and Respect
Kindness and Respect
aikei / aikyou
aikei / aikyo
ài jìng / ai4 jing4 / ai jing / aijingai ching / aiching
Loving-Kindness Conquers All慈悲征服一切cí bēi zhēng fú yī qiè
ci2 bei1 zheng1 fu2 yi1 qie4
ci bei zheng fu yi qie
tz`u pei cheng fu i ch`ieh
tzu pei cheng fu i chieh
Buddhist Loving Kindness
慈悲ji hi / jihicí bēi / ci2 bei1 / ci bei / cibeitz`u pei / tzupei / tzu pei
Benevolencejinrén / ren2 / renjen
Buddha Heart
Mind of Buddha
佛心busshin / bushinfó xīn / fo2 xin1 / fo xin / foxinfo hsin / fohsin
Compassion同情dou jou / doujou / do jotóng qíng
tong2 qing2
tong qing
t`ung ch`ing
tung ching
jicí / ci2 / citz`u / tzu
礼儀 / 禮儀
rei gi / reigilǐ yì / li3 yi4 / li yi / liyili i / lii
lǐ mào / li3 mao4 / li mao / limao
人情ninjou / ninjorén qíng / ren2 qing2 / ren qing / renqingjen ch`ing / jenching / jen ching
liàng / liang4 / liang
yuán liàng
yuan2 liang4
yuan liang
yüan liang
Begging Forgiveness饒恕
ráo shù / rao2 shu4 / rao shu / raoshujao shu / jaoshu
Forgive寬恕 / 寛恕
kan jo / kanjokuān shù / kuan1 shu4 / kuan shu / kuanshuk`uan shu / kuanshu / kuan shu
Forgiveness (from the top down)容赦you sha / yousha / yo sharóng shè / rong2 she4 / rong she / rongshejung she / jungshe
Forgivenessshù / shu4 / shu
wēn róu / wen1 rou2 / wen rou / wenrouwen jou / wenjou
on kou / onkou / on kowēn hòu / wen1 hou4 / wen hou / wenhou
Goddess of Mercy and Compassion觀音 / 観音
kan non / kannonguān yīn / guan1 yin1 / guan yin / guanyinkuan yin / kuanyin
Goddess of Mercy and Compassion觀世音
guān shì yīn
guan1 shi4 yin1
guan shi yin
kuan shih yin
Goddess of Compassion観音kan non / kannonguān yīn / guan1 yin1 / guan yin / guanyinkuan yin / kuanyin
Goddess of Compassion観世音kan ze on / kanzeonguān shì yīn
guan1 shi4 yin1
guan shi yin
kuan shih yin
Good Heart善心yoshinakashàn xīn / shan4 xin1 / shan xin / shanxinshan hsin / shanhsin
Good Intentions好意kou i / koui / ko ihǎo yì / hao3 yi4 / hao yi / haoyihao i / haoi
Good Intentions
Good Will
Good Faith
善意zen i / zenishàn yì / shan4 yi4 / shan yi / shanyishan i / shani
Good Deed
zenshàn / shan4 / shan
善良zen ryou / zenryou / zen ryoshàn liáng
shan4 liang2
shan liang
Graceonēn / en1 / en
Grace from Heaven
Grace from God
天恩tiān ēn / tian1 en1 / tian en / tianent`ien en / tienen / tien en
Grace from Heaven
Grace from God
神の恩恵kami no on kei
仁德jintokurén dé / ren2 de2 / ren de / rendejen te / jente
Love and Devotion慈愛
jiaicí ài / ci2 ai4 / ci ai / ciaitz`u ai / tzuai / tzu ai
Loving Heart
ài xīn / ai4 xin1 / ai xin / aixinai hsin / aihsin
Loving Heart
One’s Love
koi gokoro / koigokoro
The Middle Way中道chuu dou / chuudou / chu dozhōng dào
zhong1 dao4
zhong dao
chung tao
Moral and Virtuous
tokudé / de2 / dete
wahé / he2 / heho
Brahmavihara - The Four Immeasurables四無量心
shi mur you shin
shi mur yo shin
sì wú liàng xīn
si4 wu2 liang4 xin1
si wu liang xin
ssu wu liang hsin
Jin Shin Jyutsu仁神術jin shin jutsu
rén shén shù
ren2 shen2 shu4
ren shen shu
jen shen shu
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

kindness | English | Dictionary & Translation by Babylon
...for kindness, Thesaurus and Translations of kindness to English, Chinese, French, ... Kindness is the act or the state of charitable behaviour to other people.

Definition of kindness ... Chinese New Year. Allusions. African American Biographies. Civil Rights Timeline ... or quality of being kind: kindness to animals.

Chinese MBAs: The Kindness of Strangers
Until recently, most charity was reserved for family and friends.
... copy the American MBA model, the Chinese have adopted its notion of B-school philanthropy.

Chinese Shar-Pei - Shar Pei Puppies, Shar Pei Breeders, Shar-Pei Puppies for Sale - Sheridan WYoming Chinese shar ...
...breeders, Chinese shar pei puppy for sale, Chinese shar ... Our philosophy is homegrown with tender loving kindness. Our puppies are from Champion line stock.

Chinese Food Web
Step-by-step cooking of Chinese food from recipes in ten ... Box No. 619, Tuen Mun Central Post Office, Tuen Mun, NT, Hong Kong. Thank You For Your Kindness...

The Invincible Power of Kindness Movie DVD
...kindness DVD Hong Kong Movies DVD, Ti Lung, Chinese Mandarin Cantonese Chinese ... The Invincible Power of Kindness DVD. Mandarin and/or Cantonese Multilingual...

BibleGateway - Quick search: kindness repentance
ALIENS " Kindness to Edomites, enjoined (Deuteronomy 23:7) ... GRACES " See KINDNESS. HOMICIDE " DAVID'S REPENTANCE FOR, AND CONFESSION OF, THE MURDER OF URIAH... - Japanese Kanji Characters Royalty-Free Kindness in Japanese Calligraphy
...Free Kindness in Japanese Calligraphy by Master Japanese Calligrapher Eri ... designs of Kindness (shinsetsu) by Master Japanese Calligrapher Eri Takase.

kindness | English | Dictionary & Translation by Babylon
... kindness in German | kindness in Russian | kindness in Japanese | kindness in ... Kindness is the act or the state of charitable behaviour to...

Dark master of a dream world - Books -
Haruki Murakami says there are no answers in his fictional world, only ... to the acclaimed Japanese novelist.
... in my world, but there is kindness.

Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness . Readings + Video | PBS
...interview, she discusses prevailing Japanese attitudes towards the Jews during ... Sugihara documentary tells the story of his remarkable act of kindness.

Sugihara: Conspiracy of Kindness | Plot | MTV Movies
...forces during World War II, one Japanese man made his own brave attempt to ... of diplomatic posts, representing the Japanese government around the world.